How to find us
We are less than 1 mile from the centre of Taunton.
From the centre of Taunton take East Street and then turn into Silver Street and drive past the Volkswagen Dealership, into South Road. Carry on past King’s College on the left and Richard Huish College on the right. Mountfields Road is 400 yards after Richard Huish College on the right hand side. We are the 2nd property on the right hand side.
We have free dedicated parking directly outside the practice.
A resident’s parking scheme comes into place on the roads around the practice on 1 February 2023 from 0900 – 1700, Monday to Friday. These include Mountfields Road, Mountfields Avenue and Stoke Road.
Our assigned parking spaces at the front of the practice will not be affected by this. We have purchased additional permits, for the use of our patients, should you not be able to park directly outside the practice. These permits are valid for Mountfields Road and Mountfields Avenue only.
If you are unable to park directly outside the practice, when you attend your appointment, please park on either Mountfields Road or Mountfields Avenue, and inform the receptionist upon arrival. They will assign your car registration to a permit, for the duration of your appointment.
There will be 2 – 3 permits available at any one time and no charge will be made for the use of the permit.
Additionally, there are 2 short stay bays directly by the Post Office on Mountfields Road where no charge applies, and no permit is required. There are also some metered parking spaces on Stoke Road where the time is limited to 1 hour for the cost of £1.
As with any new scheme, there may be some initial teething problems, which we will iron out as time progresses, it does have the potential to provide better access to parking around the Practice, by using our permits.